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P.O. Box 976, Layton UT 84041

Pick-N-Time News Release

Pick-N-Time News Release

As of September 1, 2023, Pick-N-Time, LLC, licensed #11032 in Layton, UT opened for business. Our products and service are available for download from https://pickntime.com (no www) to all who are interested. You can download the free EFP User Manual, from the Support page. The long version is on the right, with sections for contents, figures, illustrations, and index. In any of the user manual sections (listed above), hold down the control key, then click an entry to go to it.

We also have YouTube videos with information about using the Easy Financial Planner (EFP). Visit our YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/@PicknTime/featured

To find a video, on YouTube, search for/enter: EFP Video 1 or (1A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7). Search for any video (i.e., EFP Video 4). Video 1 is Introduction; Video 7 is the comprehensive Initial Setup. Coming videos will deal with basic options information. The free downloadable EFP User Manual is also inside the EFP application, under “Instructions”.

A word to perspective customers, neither I, nor Pick-N-Time, LLC seek or will attempt to tell anyone how much or where to make or spend their money. We only provide information and products or tools — the Basic Options Calculator and the Easy Financial Planner—to help you better plan and decide your finances. Neither the BOC nor the EFP is connected to the internet, so your data is available only to you. If by chance you need my assistance with the app, as an ex-tax preparer, retired federal managerial accountant, and software business owner, my main task is your privacy and providing the assistance you need. As such, I am never concerned about what or how much income or expense a customer has, but only with technical or procedural problems you may experience.

Most of us have the same kind of income and expenses, which vary only in amounts, yet still your privacy is always respected. I can handle most user problems over the phone. So, if you get stuck call or email for help. In the case where we provide you, the service of completing a plan for you, we use our “Shadow Method”, to protect your privacy and confidentiality. See the website for more information.

Our goal also is to assist you in learning to make money, by providing educational material so you can learn to employ basic options trading strategies, using our Basic Options Calculator. But our most important task is to assist you in managing what you have, your regular income, from any source, with our Easy Financial Planner app or tool. You can purchase the app and do it; or we can create a plan for you, in “Shadow Mode”, either way you get a copy of the EFP to manage your money.

We are adding new content almost daily, so stop by our Blog often to see what’s new.  We accept credit cards payments through PayPal. All software sales are final. Pleasure note, options trading carries risk. Pick-N-Time does not advise or recommend any particular trade. We only provide educational materials, information, and tools for practice options trading, to build your knowledge.

Thank You!

FaraJi GoreDenna

Pick-N-Time, LLC

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