Home Cook Recipe Book


The Home Cook Recipe Book gives you space to organize all your recipes with a photo of your finished dish. Create a general recipe book or a book for specific types (bread, soups/stews, desserts, beverages, etc.) of recipes. Change servings and get new ingredients amount (works for more or less servings). Duplicate a recipe or change the sequence of ingredients. Requires recent version of Windows and Microsoft Excel. Software sales are final. Sorry, no refund.


The only right-side entry you will make is the New Servings Quanty. If or when you increase or decrease the New Servings quantity, on the right, then on the right you get updated Amount of each ingredient.

For example, if the recipe on the left is for 4 Original Servings and one ingredient call for 1 cup, and you enter 8 New Servings, on the right, as the New Serving amount, then that ingredient will increase to 2 cups. This works in reverse also, when you have fewer New Servings. Note, you may receive some unusual fractional measurements.

Also, you can change the order or sequence of the ingredients. Simply change the Index No in the first column, then click the Sort button (small arrow), in Index No. header.

For each recipe, enter the name and number of servings, on the top left side. At the first Index Number, select the Amount and Unit from a dropdown list, then select the ingredient. This data (amount, unit, Ingredient) will appear on the right side. If a Unit, Ingredient, or VTC (Variety, Type, Condition or Color) is not in the dropdown list, then return to the Table Top, click “Add or Edit Unit, Ingredient or VTC”. Add item to bottom of list and click sort button at top. Review these lists before you get stated to ensure all items that you regularly use are on the list. You can remove items from the list. Select it, right click mouse, then click Clear Contents.

You may duplicate a recipe (with different name) to make a different version of the same recipe. Also, use a single HCRB for all your recipes or use a seperate HCRB to create separate recipe books (bakeries, meats, deserts, etc.) of dynamic recipes. Simple save this recipe book with a new category name (My HCRB Bakeries, My HCRB Meats, My HCRB Deserts, etc.).

For additional information and help, see the Help page or contact me at www.support@pickntime.com. Thank You for purchasing the HCRB and Happy cooking for yourself and your family.

FaraJi AH GoreDenna
Pick-N-Time, LLC